Test client accounts

When you’re just getting started, before going live, it is helpful to create a test client account. Using them allows you to see everything from your client’s perspective.

Covered here:

Test client accounts, explained

Even during the trial period, you can create unlimited client accounts in TaxDome without additional payment. This means you can create test client accounts with different configurations and use them as you wish. It is an excellent opportunity to get to know TaxDome from all perspectives and test something before going live.

You can log into the test account from the web portal or from the client mobile application. 

For example, you might want to use test client accounts:

  • When creating an organizer, before you send it to real clients, you can send it to a test client, log into their account and then see how exactly your clients will see this organizer and interact with it.
  • When filing a joint report, you can create a test account and link two contacts to this account. After that, you can request both contacts to sign a test document, log in under the contacts’ email, and go through the whole signing workflow.

Creating test client accounts

To create a test client account:

  1. Click the New button on the top left, then select Account from the slide-out menu. Or, click New on the Accounts page. Fill in the account information.
  2. When filling in the contact information:
    1. If you’re using Gmail, in the Email field, use the email address you use to log in as a firm owner, but add the + sign and any word you want to the end of your email address. For example, if your email is 'janedoe@gmail.com', you can use 'janedoe+client@gmail.com' or 'janedoe+test@gmail.com'. You can use as many different aliases as you need. If you sign up using the alias of your current email, emails both for you as a firm owner and for you as a test client will arrive in one inbox.
      If you're not using Gmail, you can create another email address just for testing or use your personal email.
    2. Toggle on Login to be able to log into the test account.

  3.  If needed, link more contacts to the account.

Using test client accounts

To avoid constant switching between your firm owner and test client accounts, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Log in using the incognito mode in your web browser. For example, you can log in as a firm owner in a regular browser window. Then, you can log in as a test client in incognito mode. In most browsers (e.g., Chrome), you can freely switch between regular and incognito windows.
  • Use different browsers for the firm owner and test client accounts.
  • If you’re interested in seeing what the mobile app looks like, you can use the mobile app for the test client account and a web browser for the firm owner account or vice versa.
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