Reporting (Basic): Exploring Dashboards

Learn about Dashboards that enable you to access various reports from one page. We'll guide you through options for viewing Dashboards, how to download them, and presenting them in full-screen mode.

Covered here:

Dashboards, explained

A Dashboard is a set of saved reports displaying data in real-time. You can either utilize our prebuilt Dashboards or create your own by pinning any relevant reports to them. 

Once set up, a Dashboard provides an overview of key figures from each pinned report, allowing you to quickly assess your firm's performance. However, if you require more detailed information, you can always delve deeper into each report.

Viewing Dashboard

Dashboards are available to the firm owner, admin, and team members with the View reporting access right.

To view a Dashboard, go to Reporting > Overview or Reporting > Dashboards from the left menu bar and click on a Dashboard name.

Within a Dashboard, you'll find the following details:

1. Dashboard name: Displays the Dashboard title along with a star icon to mark it as a favorite.

2. Dashboard view: Manage your Dashboard views to save your personalized updated view with filters or reset it to see the original Dashboard. 

3. Data filter: The filters list shows data represented on the reports pinned to the Dashboard. Click on any item to edit the applied filters.

4. Pencil icon: Click to start editing the Dashboard.

5. Three dots Dashboard menu: Access a menu offering such options as Rename, Make a copy, Download PDF, Present, Show Dashboard details and Delete the Dashboard.

6. Tabs: Open another Dashboard page with reports (if any).

7. Report: Displays report pinned to the Dashboard.

8. Explore (visible when hovering over the report): Click to open the report. For details, go to the article on Exploring reports.

9. Three dots report menu (visible when hovering over the report): Access a menu offering such options as Edit, Rename, Make a copy, Pin, Show underlaying data, Download as a PNG\XLSX\CSV, Present and Copy link to the report. 

10. Value: Click on the value name to sort the report in ascending or descending order, or filter the value to show only data that matches selected conditions.

Downloading as PDF

You can download the entire Dashboard or only specific reports from it. Follow these steps:

1. When viewing the Dashboard, click the three dots at the top right and select Download PDF.

2. Choose between the Dashboard option to download all the pinned reports or Visualizations to download specific reports only. Then, select the Layout, tabs/Reports and click Download.

The download process may take some time, do not close the browser page until the PDF is available in your downloads.

Presenting Dashboard

You can view a Dashboard in full-screen mode. It is useful for sharing the reports with your colleagues during a meeting, presentation, etc.

To do so, click the three dots at the top right when viewing the Dashboard, then select Present.

When viewing the Dashboard in full-screen mode, use the navigation buttons at the top right or click on the slides counter to select and view a specific page:

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