Reporting (Advanced): Creating & editing Dashboards

Create Dashboards to organize your saved reports. You can do it either from scratch or by copying the existing one. By editing Dashboards, you can add new tabs, arrange reports as needed, apply filters and more. 

Covered here:

Creating Dashboard

A Dashboard is a page containing various reports from the same area. So, creating a Dashboard always involves two steps - copying an existing one (or creating it from scratch) and then pinning the reports to it. 

Here's what you get when you create a Dashboard:

  • You can easily access it from the Reporting > Overview and Reporting > Dashboards pages. 
  • The Dashboard also becomes searchable from the Overview page.
  • You can pin any of your saved reports to your Dashboard.
  • You can make changes to it anytime.

Copying Dashboard

Copying an existing Dashboard is a good choice when you need to make changes to any of the prebuilt Dashboards (because you cannot make changes to them directly). To create one by copying an existing one, follow these steps: 

1. Open the Dashboard you want to copy, click the three dots at the top right, then select Make a copy.

2. Change the title and description (optional), and click  Save

The new Dashboard is opened and you can start making changes to it.

Creating from scratch

You can create Dashboards from scratch in two steps:

1. Go to Reporting > Dashboards and click + Dashboard at the top right or click the + Create Dashboard link in the Pin to Dashboard menu when exploring a report.

2. Type in the Dashboard name, Description (optional), check the box if you want to Make the Dashboard discoverable and click Create. Discoverable Dashboards are visible to your team members on the Overview page.

Once a Dashboard is created, you can pin reports to it. 

Pin report to Dashboard

To have all the necessary information on one page, your reports can be pinned to the specific Dashboard. It can be done both when viewing the saved report and from the AI-generated search. 

To do that, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Dashboard name next to the Pin button to select the Dashboard you want to pin this report to.
  2. In the Pin to Dashboard window, select the Dashboard, then the Dashboard tab (if any).
  3. Click Pin. You can also create a new Dashboard from this window to pin your report there.


Note! If you pin the report from the AI-generated search result you will not be able to see it on the Reports page.

Editing Dashboard

Once you have created a new Dashboard by making a copy of the prebuilt one or need to make any changes to any of your Dashboards, you can do so by editing it. This includes adding new tabs, and filters for reports, changing titles and descriptions, and so on. 

To access the editing page, click the pencil icon at the top right of any Dashboard.

The Dashboard editing page has the following options. Make your edits and click Save:

  1. Add tab: Insert another tab to organize your reports.
  2. Add note: Store any useful information within the Dashboard using text formatting, bullets, numbered lists, links and attaching images. 
  3. Add filter: Filter reports displayed on the Dashboard based on specific attributes.
  4. Add parameter: Use a parameter you created in a worksheet.
  5. Three dots Dashboard menu: Access a menu offering the option to Delete the Dashboard.
  6. Dashboard name and description: Edit the Dashboard title or add additional info.
  7. Data filter: Click to edit the applied filter or hover over and click X to the right, if you want to delete it.
  8. Drag & drop: Moves a report on the Dashboard, if you need to reorganize reports.
  9. Report name and description: Edit the report title or add additional info.
  10. Value: Click on the value name to sort the report in ascending or descending order, or filter the value to show only data that matches selected conditions.
  11. Three dots Report menu: Opens a menu with options to Delete the report from the Dashboard and resize the report. You can also resize an report by pulling its bottom right corner.

Deleting Dashboard

You can delete a Dashboard in two ways:

  • From the Reporting > Dashboards page, select a Dashboard, then click Delete and confirm.
  • While viewing or editing a Dashboard, click the three dots at the top right, then select Delete and confirm.

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