Reporting (Basic): Exploring reports

Learn about utilizing individual reports within our Reporting tool. In this article, we will discuss how to view, expand, download, and present the reports.

Covered here:

Reports, explained

Reports can exist either separately or as part of a Dashboard. They can be generated as a result of either AI search or through the Report designer. Additionally, there are many pre-built reports available inside prebuilt Dashboards, so you don't need to create them to start exploring. 

Reports can be presented by charts, diagrams, or data tables. When exploring reports, you can better understand your data and get actionable insights faster.

You can access reports either from the Reports page, from any Dashboard or by searching from the Overview page. 

View reports inside Dashboard

Reports can be viewed inside the Dashboard by clicking the  Explore button on the top right. When exploring reports, you can filter data in different ways, by using filters, adding or replacing columns, or comparing data sets. 

When you explore your data and change the view, you always have the option either of going back one step at a time, using the back arrow, or resetting the view to default values.


You can use filters to narrow down your search results to only include the data you want to see. To do so, in the Filter tab to the right of the Report, select the filter name, then choose the filter condition and the value. 

Alternatively, you also can select one of the AI-suggested filters provided.

Add columns

If you need more information in the table or chart, you can add additional columns to it. For example, add the  Weekly keyword to the Paid revenue by customer report to see which clients bring more money weekly. 

To do so, go to the Add tab to the right of the report, then select the column name. 

Alternatively, you also can select one of the AI-suggested columns provided.

Replace columns

When any column in the table or chart becomes outdated or doesn't contain any value for you anymore, you can replace it. For example, if your report contains info about time, you can easily change the column from  monthly to yearly, and so on.

To do so, go to the Replace tab to the right of the report, select the column you want to replace, then add the new column instead. 

Alternatively, you also can select one of the AI-suggested columns provided.

Compare data sets

All data presented in the chart or table can be compared by different attributes. For example, you can compare your best- and worst-performing months.

To do so, go to the  Compare tab to the right of the report, select the data type and values to be compared. 

Alternatively, you also can select one of the AI-suggested values provided.

Show underlying data

Viewing the underlying data of the report provides a detailed view of the result set. This feature helps you to dive deeper in the report data. To show the underlying data, click on the three dots at the top right of the report and select Show underlying data.

Here, you can edit columns to make you report more informative. To do so, click Edit columns at the top right and select the columns you want to add to the table.

When you are viewing the underlying data, you can download the detailed information as a .CSV file by clicking Download CSV on the bottom left.

The underlying data view is limited to the first 1,000 rows and only the first million rows can be downloaded as .CSV from the underlying data view.

Downloading as PNG/XLSX/CSV/PDF

If you want to share your report offline, you can download it in several formats: 

  • for table views:  .XLSX, .CSV or .PDF ; 
  • for chart views:  .PNG, .XLSX or .CSV

To download your report, click three dots at the top right of the report, select Download in the dropdown and then select the desired file format.

Present reports

You can view a report in full-screen mode, which is useful for sharing the report with your colleagues during a meeting, presentation, etc.

To do so, click the three dots at the top right of the report when viewing the Dashboard, then select  Present (this feature is not available when you explore the Report, you need to get back to the Dashboard to use it).

When viewing the report in full-screen mode, use the navigation buttons at the top right or click on the slides counter to switch between different reports on the Dashboard:

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