Windows App: System Requirements

The TaxDome Windows App is compatible with Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11 64-bit, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022. 

Does TaxDome Windows App work on virtual servers and remote networks?

TaxDome Windows App works in all modern environments, including virtual servers, and remote networks with Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11 64-bit, Windows Server 2019, and Windows Server 2022.Depending on the vendor and plan, you may or may not be allowed to install outside applications in your virtual environment. Depending on the security settings of your platform, you may experience issues that you should discuss with the vendor or security company. Examples of setup:

  • If you work on a local PC and working with TaxDome directly on this PC, the TaxDome app must be installed locally on the PC.
  • If the user works on a local PC and then logs on to a server or another machine, via RDP: the TaxDome app must be installed on a remote pc.
  • If the user works on a local PC and works with TaxDome via terminal app (Windows terminal services or Citrix, for example), in this case, the TaxDome app looks almost like any other usual app running locally but actually running on a remote server: the TaxDome app must be installed on the remote server.
  • If the user works on a remote desktop gateway server via the browser and working with the TaxDome app in the browser (Windows Terminal Services or Citrix, for example): The TaxDome app must be installed on the remote server.

Does TaxDome Windows App work on Azure?

There is no limitation from TaxDome; Azure is a type of platform. If you are running Windows on that Azure machine, then the TaxDome app can be installed on that machine (the TaxDome app works on Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 11 64-bit, Windows Server 2019, and Windows Server 2022 with all updates installed).

So just like Lacerte or Proseries is installed on that virtual machine, TaxDome can be as well. And just like Lacerte - if there are restrictions preventing installation of programs, etc. (which can be modified by your vendor and security platform) - your technology firm may have to install it locally.

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