Team chat (Beta): Communicate with your colleagues
Team chat in TaxDome allow firm members to collaborate on client-related matters privately, create internal channels for various topics, and exchange messages securely within the web portal.

Work in progress! The team chat functionality is being enhanced with new features and currently available for Beta users. Docs on using the team chat are being prepared.
Team chat, explained
Team members can privately collaborate in TaxDome using different functionalities:
- Internal messages in client chats: While communicating with clients in chat threads, team members can exchange internal messages that remain invisible to clients. This is useful for quick, client-related discussions. For example, a team member can ask a colleague to review a document before sending it.
- (New) Team chat: The team chat feature allows firm members to have private discussions on a separate page within the web portal. This is ideal for more complex and extensive conversations, such as confirming details before reaching out to a client or discussing non-client-related topics.

Available features for team chat:
- Up to 500 channels can be created within one firm.
- Each team member can create new channels and comment on the existing ones.
- Text formatting for messages in team chat is the same as in client chats.

Coming soon! Upcoming features will give you more control over privacy settings, allowing you to create direct messages with individual team members or private channels for groups. You will also be able to see channel user statuses.
Create channels
By default, the #general channel is already created for each firm. You can use it for firm-wide announcements or delete it. You can also create your own chats that are visible to all team members.
To create a new channel:
1. Navigate to Team chat from the sidebar menu.
2. Click Create new channel.
3. In the sidebar, name the channel briefly to reflect the main idea and confirm creation. The name should be unique: two or more channels cannot have the same name.
Your channels are displayed in alphabetical order: A → Z.
Send messages to channels
Messages in the channel are displayed in chronological order, from oldest to newest.
To send a message:
1. Navigate to Team chat from the sidebar menu.
2. Select the needed channel from the list.
3. Write a message using the text formatting toolbar and @mentions if you want to notify a concrete team member, then click the send button or Cmd/Ctrl + Enter.
How do I know that I've got a new message?
Channels with new messages are highlighted in bold, and if the current logged-in firm member has not read them, a counter of unread messages with @mentions next to the channel name is displayed .
If someone mentions you in the team chat channels, you will receive a notification corresponding to your preferences., either to Inbox+, to your email or both.
Delete messages
Click three dots at the top-right corner of a message to delete the message. Note that you can delete only messages you have written. Deletion is permanent, meaning the message cannot be restored.

Note! If the message contains a mention, deleting the message deletes the associated Inbox+ notification.
Delete channels
Only a firm owner or admin can delete channels.
1. Navigate to Team chat from the sidebar menu.
2. Select the channel you want to delete.
3. Click three dots next to the channel name and confirm deletion.