How to suggest an idea?

Your needs are a huge priority for us—and we want to make sure you are heard. Suggest features you think might improve TaxDome and vote on other user suggestions in the Ideas board. You help us make TaxDome the best possible experience for all! 


NoteThe Ideas board is available to TaxDome subscribers only.

Covered here:

Suggesting an idea

If there’s a feature you’d love to see added to TaxDome, suggest it to us: 

1. Click the loudspeaker icon in the top right, then select Suggest an idea.


Tip: You can also send an idea from the Mobile app. Tap the question mark help button on the top right, then choose Idea.

2. Click Create post.

3. In the pop-up that opens, fill in the following fields:

    a. Descriptive title: Briefly describe your idea. 

    b. Tags: Select the feature tag to which your suggestion applies.

    c. Details: Add a detailed description. This is an important part of the process and can be seen as a presentation of your idea. Please review the text template under the headings Your Firm's Process, The Challenge and Your Solution (Optional) in the fill-in field and replace it with your idea description so that the developers can understand the essence of your suggestion.

    d. (Optional) Image or other attachments: You can add additional materials to clarify your idea. Click the corresponding icon on the bottom panel to attach additional materials.

4. Click Create post.

The post with the idea will be created, and you will be automatically redirected to the page with it. Here you can:

    a. Subscribe: Click Get notified to receive emails about the post status changes.

    b. Rate: Click Nice to Have, Important or Critical to let us know how you see the importance of this idea.

Development statuses

We deeply appreciate the input from our users regarding potential features and enhancements to our platform. However, it's important to acknowledge that the development of any suggested feature cannot be guaranteed. 

The realization of such additions depends on many factors, including, the significance of the proposed functionality to our business objectives, current workload priorities, and technical feasibility within our system architecture.

We also cannot provide exact timelines but will send notifications of status changes.

After creating a post, it will be assigned an In review status. Familiarize yourself with all possible statuses in the table:

Status/Stage Explanation
In review This status is assigned to all ideas created. We regularly review ideas and select those that will further improve the product for development. At this stage, we may contact you with clarifications to make better research and decisions faster. 

To show your interest in feature development, you can vote for other users' ideas or leave comments. 
Planned This status is assigned to ideas that have been moderated by the product managers and added to the release plan. 
In Progress This status is assigned to ideas on which work has begun. 
Completed This status is assigned to ideas that have been implemented and are available in the interface. You will be notified when the ideas you created or voted on are released.
Closed This status is assigned to ideas that lack context for understanding. It can also be assigned if the functionality proposed is already implemented in TaxDome. We will let you know the reasons why the idea was not taken into development.

Searching for suggested ideas

Search for ideas submitted by other users to vote for them:

Type your query in the search box to find the suggestion from the list of provided ideas. You can also select a tag and use the following filters: 

  • Latest: New posts will be shown first.
  • Top: Posts with more votes will be shown first.
  • In review/Planned/In progress/Completed/Closed: Only posts with this status will be shown.
  • Voted by me: Only posts you have created and/or voted for are shown.

3. Now, you can vote for the feature or add a comment.

Voting for ideas and commenting

Vote or comments for ideas submitted by other users to let us know if you think they would also be helpful to you:

1. To vote from a list of suggested ideas, click inside the number box to the right of the requested feature you would like to see added to TaxDome. Your vote is then added.

2. Click the callout icon next to any idea in the list to leave a comment.

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