Payouts (Beta): View, filter, print

Coming soon! TaxDome Payments is currently available exclusively to a dedicated beta group for this feature. Docs on using TaxDome Payments are being prepared.
If your payment service provider is TaxDome Payments, the most convenient way to control the money you receive is via the Payouts page. You can access all payouts at once or view the details of specific payouts. You can also filter a list of payouts, print them, or export them to a CSV file.
Payouts list

Attention! The Payouts page is available only to firm owners. To see it, you must have TaxDome Payments enabled. If you used TaxDome Payments before but disconnected it later, the Payouts page is still available.
Go to Billing > Payouts from the sidebar menu bar to see all the payouts sent to you. Since payments sent via TaxDome Payments are processed once a day on business days, they are grouped as daily payouts. Payouts may consist of several payments.
Payout rules:
- A payout is triggered only when the total payments from clients meet or exceed $5.
- Payouts to the bank account are sent on the next business day for all payments successfully processed the previous day between 00:00 and 23:59 in your time zone.
- The minimum payout amount is $1.
- If the payout amount is less than $1, the balance will roll over to the next payout.
The processing time for funds to be credited depends on your bank.
At the top, you can see the total amount sent to your bank account.
If a payout fails, you will receive an email. Also, you will see the notification at the top of the Payouts page. The amount in the notification will accumulate all failed payouts until you update the account details, and the payouts succeed.
On the Payouts page, you’ll see the following column names:
- Date: The payout date. The date when money was sent to your bank. It can take a few days for funds to reach your bank account.
- Total: The amount that you will receive.
- Fee: The processing fee amount for the payments in the payout.
- Charges: The amount of clients' payments in the payout.
- Refunds: The amount refunded in the payout.
Single payout details
If you received several payments during one day, they will be grouped into a single payout. To view the single payout details, click the date it was sent. In the payout sidebar, you can see:
a. Charges: The amount of all clients' payments included in the payout.
b. Refunds: The amount refunded.
c. Fee: The processing fee deducted from the payment amount.
d. Total: The total amount you are going to receive.
e. Date: The payout date. The date when money was sent to your bank. It can take a few days for funds to reach your bank account.
f. Transactions: The table includes all transactions (payments) in the payout. The table contains the following columns:
- Date: The date the payment was made. It may be different from the payout date if the payout was made the next day or if the previous payout has failed.
- Payment: The associated payment number. Click it to open the payment sidebar and view the payment details.
- Account: The client account with which the payment is associated.
- Type: The transaction type: Charge for payments, Refund for refunds.
- Gross: The total amount charged to the client (including the fee) for payment or refunded as part of a refund. For payments, it is positive. For refunds, it is negative.
- Fee: The processing fee amount for the payment.
- Total: The amount that you will receive.
g. Export: Click this button to export all transactions in the payout to a CSV file.
Customize list of payouts
You can customize your list of payouts in different ways:
- Resize columns. To do so, click and hold the divider between column names and resize it by moving your mouse.
- Set up the columns you want to be displayed. To do so, click the gear icon at the top right of the table. In the right sidebar, enable, disable or move any columns you want. After clicking Apply, the table will be rebuilt with new columns. Clicking Reset will display all columns.
Print list of payouts
To print a payment list, click the Print button at the top right of the page. Apply the print settings suggested by the browser.
Filter list of payouts
Use filters if you need to:
- Find specific payouts quickly.
- Export details of particular payouts to reconcile them with other data.
- Generate comprehensive financial reports (e.g., by choosing monthly payouts).
The following payout filters are available:
- Date: see only payouts made during a specific period of time. You can select the ready-made filter (that day, last week/month/quarter/year) or set a timespan manually.
- Total amount: see payouts by amount. You can display only payouts for a specific amount if you select Is equal. If you want a range of more or less than a certain amount, select Is greater than/Is less than.
To narrow down a list of payouts, click Filter at the left and select the filters. You can apply several filters.
Create presets to save filter combinations, allowing them to be applied with just one click next time. To create presets, customize the desired filters and save them as a preset.
Sort list of payouts
Sort payouts by the Date or Charges, Refund, Fee or Total amount. Click the up-down arrows next to the chosen column name to sort the list. The sorting option can also be applied after filtering payouts.
Export payouts
You can export a payout list if you are using TaxDome Payments as a payment service provider. Only a firm owner can do this.
To export all payout-related data to a CSV file:
1. Go to Billing > Payouts from the sidebar menu, then click Export. You will receive an email with the download link, valid for 24 hours only.
2. Click the download link in the email and log into TaxDome if needed. You’ll receive a zipped CSV file containing all your payout data.
The exported CSV file will contain the following info: date, charges, refund, fee, total.
An exported CSV file looks like this:

Tip: To exclude unnecessary information, filter your payout list before exporting it.
Export transactions
Using TaxDome Payments as a payment service provider, you can export a list of transactions included in one payout. Only a firm owner can do it.
1. To export all transactions for a particular payout, go to Billing > Payouts from the sidebar menu and click the payout date. In the payout sidebar, click Export. You will receive an email with the download link, valid for 24 hours only.
2. Click the download link in the email and log into TaxDome if needed. You’ll receive a zipped CSV file containing all transactions included in the payout.
The exported CSV file will contain the following info: date, payment, account, type, gross, fee, total.
An exported CSV file looks like this: