Client requests (Basic): Create & apply templates

Client requests help you gather information quickly. Use templates for common cases where you may request the same information from different clients (e.g., Update Info or Year-End Checklist) to streamline and automate requests.

Create client request templates

Client request templates can be created by a firm owner, an admin, or any team member with access rights to manage templates

1. Start the template creation in one of several convenient ways: 

  • Go to Templates > Firm templates from the left menu bar, select Client requests, then click Create template.

  • Start creating a client request, and in the Template field, select Create client request template.  
  • When you have created a client request and are ready to send it, select the Save as template checkbox at the bottom of the request creation sidebar.

2. Fill out the  Create client requests template sidebar and click Save.

a. Template name: Enter the name that will be displayed in the portal (your clients won't see it).

b. Message for client (Optional): Explain the task.
c. Client request name: Specify the name that will be displayed in the client portal as well as in the email. 
d. Add question: Click Add question and fill in the fields. By clicking the gear icon, you can make the question optional and add a hint about filling in. For details on question types, go here
e. Reminders (Optional)Set up reminders to automatically remind clients of pending requests. 
f. Require sign-in: Give clients the option to respond with or without logging in. If the required sign-in option is disabled, clients can access only the specific client request; no other client data will be accessible, ensuring the security of their information. 

Apply client request templates

Once you’ve created a template, you’re ready to use it to gather data from clients: 

1. Start creating the new client request.

2. Select the account(s).

3. Click the Template list to expand it and select a previously created template. If you have started entering data, template settings will override it. 

4. Make any changes if needed, then click Send.

Edit сlient request templates

To make changes to your client request template, follow these steps:

1. Go to Templates > Firm templates from the left menu bar. 
2. Open the Client requests tab.
3. Click on the client request template name in the list or click the three dots to the far right of the client request template name and select Edit.

4. Make your edits, then click Save.


Note! The changes you make to a client request template are not reflected in the requests already created from the same template. However, all new client requests based on this template that are sent from now on (including the ones in automations) will reflect the changes.

Duplicate client request templates

If you want to create a new template based on an existing one, click the three dots to the far right of the client request template name and select  Duplicate. A template copy will be saved with a suffix (e.g.,  End-of-Year Client Checklist (2)).

Delete client request templates

To avoid clutter, remove a client request template if you no longer need it. However, all client requests created for clients with that template will remain. Click the three dots to the far right of the client request template name and select Delete from the dropdown, then confirm the action. All requests created for clients with that template will still remain.
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