Marketplace FAQ

Not sure how Marketplace works in TaxDome? Find out here in this FAQ!

Marketplace FAQ

1. What kind of templates will be available?

All types of templates will be available, except for Recurring invoices. They will be added at a later date. The library will include templates for jobs, tasks, workflows (pipelines), folders, emails, organizers, chats, Proposals & ELs, Invoices and Signatures.

2. How does downloading a pipeline work? If there are embedded automations, will they also be added to my workspace?

Yes, if a pipeline template has automations, downloading the pipeline will add all of the automations to your workspace.

3. How do I know what’s in the template?

Marketplace listings have multimedia content (video, images) and creators are encouraged to provide content that conveys the value and benefits of their offering.

4. Can users make an announcement requesting a specific template?

Currently, there is no option for this, but we are considering ideas such as adding banners or featured templates. However, we don't have details about the implementation yet.

5. Is there a rating or feedback system for templates, and can creators access this information to improve their offerings?

In the initial version, we will collect feedback through a Typeform and we can send this feedback to the creator. Currently, this functionality is basic.

Reviews will be added in one of the future updates. However, we don't have an ETA yet.

Marketplace creator FAQ

1. How do I become a creator?

To become a creator, please complete the registration process. The link is also available in the portal interface.

2. If I make an update to my template, will it automatically push it to the marketplace?

Buyers will always be able to download the current version of your template. If the creator makes changes to the published template, those changes will be automatically reflected in the marketplace. In other words, any changes made locally will automatically update the marketplace version.

3. So if I make changes to the template, will those who previously downloaded the template be automatically updated to the new version?

No, buyers can only download templates once. If they purchase a template on December 19 at 4pm EST, they get the template as of that time. If the creator makes changes on December 20th, previous buyers will not receive those changes. However, new buyers will get the template as of the moment they make the purchase.

4. Can I generate a link to a template I published for marketing purposes?

Not right now. Currently, this is an internal service.

5. Will a creator page be available, where all of my templates are stored?

Yes, creators will have a separate publishing page.

An in-depth creator profile (logo, descriptions, etc.) will also be added, but not in the initial release.

6. Can creators communicate with users who have downloaded their templates?

No, not at this time. All information of those who download templates is kept anonymous, similar to the App store.

7. How are template-related issues addressed; are they communicated directly with creators or TaxDome?

All disputes are handled directly between the creators. Those who download templates would reach out to the creator.

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