Migrate docs to TaxDome: Export from Google Drive
Migrating client documents to TaxDome is simple. Follow this guide to smoothly transition from Google Drive while preserving your clients' folder structures. Then, you will be able to upload documents to TaxDome in bulk.
To export documents from Google Drive, download an archive with your clients' folders to your computer and unzip it. Let's examine these steps in more detail.
1. Ensure all client documents are organized in the appropriate folders on Google Drive.
2. Select the folders you want to export by dragging the area around them with the mouse.
3. Click three dots at the top left and then Download.
The time it takes to prepare the archive depends on the amount of data. Once the archive is prepared, it will be uploaded to your browser's download folder.
4. After downloading, unzip the ZIP archive on your computer. As a result, you will have folders and files identical to the structure on Google Drive.
That's it with export. To continue migrating documents to TaxDome, import CRM data, and then proceed with a bulk upload to client accounts.